perjantai 17. lokakuuta 2008

October 17


My workmate: Look, behind us is girl who is just like you.

I watch and behind is girl wearing nothing but black and messy hair.

Me: uh, ok...whatever.

That girl walks past us.

My workmate: and she got as big butt as you have.

Me: thank you so very much.


i don´t know but that was the most random and most fanniest thing anyone said to me that day...and to be clear, I do not have big butt!!!

two pics from tonight.

It has been kinda nice day, friday.
YAY. I got nothing to do so (yet again) I watch episodes of House, go sleeping early and wake up late tomorrow. Do some shopping and take it easy.

oh, I just love that red hat in these pics!
It is so cute.

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